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Mission Statement

We are a meta-collective for poetic-political consciousness activism and integral venture building.

Our mission is to replace scientific materialism and the mechanical, three dimensional world view as the dogmatic and therefore destructive leading paradigm of society and implement a new integral or reality as the focal point of experienced reality and every day’s life.

We call this “consciousness activism”.

At its core, this form of activism is not oppositional, i.e. based on an antithetical mindset or on protest as the fundamental form of political expression – but on integrating the existing individuals, institutions and systems into higher-order integral forms of organization through poetic-political interdisciplinary design in order to expand consciousness, improve the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social-economic wellbeing of all people and beings, refine or redefine interpersonal narratives, values and aesthetics as well as impact and upgrade our environmental, economical, financial, social, and cultural systems.

We understand ourselves as a meta-collective of excellence- and cause-driven individuals, organizations and communities collaborating towards the regulative ideal of personal and political enlightenment through multisensory and multimodal poetic expression, daily personal embodied practices, coaching of impact influencers in politics, media, military, business or the sciences and art, activism through media and awareness campaigns, design-driven public-private entrepreneurship as well as direct political action from within and without existing political institutions and frameworks.

Please join us.